Gunn for Hire – Who is Grace Gunn?

My name? Gunn. Grace Gunn, Private Investigator. Just a dame trying to make her mark in the White City.

This time of year the city should be white, but the strange wind blowing is putting things a little on the warm side. That same wind is kicking up some mysterious whispers from the shadows to boot.

I spent a lot of my childhood with my Grams, Victoria. She would tell me stories of the wild west; of magic, monsters and the men that meted out justice. I always felt like I was reading a dime novel the way she told her stories. Got the feeling that she had witnessed these stories first hand but she couldn’t have could she? Magic and mystery and the West being Wild and Weird?

Much to my parent’s dismay, Grams taught me how to shoot, how to track down clues and not take guff from anyone. Those skills have served me well.

And there’s something not right in the Windy city these days as the threat of the Alleycat Killer has everyone on edge and jumping at shadows. Maybe the weirdness Grams told me about has found isn’t so weird after all and it’s found a new home in the city I call home. You can bet whatever it has in store I’ll be here, doing my best to protect my home and family.

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